Tuesday, October 18, 2011

FaLL DaYs..Gathering from the GaRdeNs

I love hydrangeas and lavender...they are so pretty together
...these grown in my garden

The eggplants are hanging on...frost suspected Sat. morn..I will have to pick on Friday..

My herb pickins for today..before the rain sets in..thai basil..thyme..purple leaf sage and a bucket of fresh picked hydrangeas and fragrant lavender

The last of the fall oyster mushrooms...please bring more mother nature

A final rose for the season..if only they could keep blooming..this one has 10 waiting to pop..the frost hopefully won't get them

A simple glad on its last bloom

A HaLLo WyTch...kindly offered at my etsy site..My WiCKeD BesT

Yes...ALL..we have our own tombstone belonging to Sarah..wife of John..how remarkable is that? She soon will have her own plot so I can treat her to flowers everyday..

Here she is YYEEAAA my published Queen of Crows in the spring issue of PRiMs magazine..I feel so honored and lucky to be actually listed in the index...she has a vintage crepe paper hand stamped skirt with little crowns all over..clay hearts ....french ribbon...and the silliest legs...